Funded by
the European Union

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Goethe-Institut Istanbul and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


How Does Make a Connection Work?

Proliferation of connections in the field of culture and art is a necessary and effective way for a creative production environment, as well as for the acquisition of new audiences, participation and sustainability.

For this reason, CultureCIVIC encourages dialogue between all civil society organisations, individuals, institutions and initiatives working in the field of culture and arts.


Make a Connection is a space designed not only for the direct beneficiaries of this programme, but also for professionals, initiatives, initiatives, promoters, ie all stakeholders with or without official status in civil society, culture and arts and related fields in Turkey.

You can get information about the cities and fields of activity of those working in the field of civil society and culture and arts in Turkey, and get in touch with the people and institutions you want.

You can share your information with us for the Make a Connection page by clicking on the icon above. This list is curated by the CultureCIVIC project team.

752 Connections

Clear the Filters

This page is published on 15 August 2022.
Last update: 18 October 2022