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Inter-city Networking Grants
Third Open Call
Supported Projects Announced

The projects supported in the third open call period of the Inter-city Networking Grants have been announced. The aim of the Inter-city Networking Grants, which encourages decentralized interaction and networking throughout Turkey, is to implement large-scale inter-city projects and include cultural actors from different cities in these projects.

A total of 17 applications were made to the open call, which took place between 7 June and 21 July 2023. Applications that fully met the conditions of the Inter-city Networking Grants and completed all application documents were forwarded to the jury members after the technical evaluation made by the CultureCIVIC team. Applications were evaluated by Katalist co-founder Jülide Erdoğan, Boğaziçi University Department of Sociology faculty member Dr. Sinan Erensu, Institut français Ankara director Sophie Gauthier and İKSV deputy general director Yeşim Gürer Oymak.

Supported Projects

The list includes the project name, executing institution and application/activity cities, and is arranged alphabetically by project name.

Başka Dünya Yok!
Documentarist Gezici Ekolojik Belgesel Gösterimleri

Avrasya Sanat Kolektifi Derneği
Diyarbakır, İstanbul, Rize, Artvin, Muğla, Adana, Çanakkale, Hatay

Kırsalda Umut Var: Bir Festival Rüyası
Ravandalı Kadınlar Derneği
Kilis, Mardin, Hatay

Kuşun Kanadında Sinema
İzmir Film ve Televizyon Yapımcıları Derneği (İFTYD)
Gaziantep, İzmir


This page is published on 29 September 2023.
Last update: 20 December 2023