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Anatolia’s Memories of Music Meetings

April - September 2023

Anatolia geographically hosted multiculturalism for thousands of years and is one of the settlement areas where intercultural communication has been most intense. Nationalist movements and polarisation escalating in the last century have damaged this richness and caused the perception of uniform culture to become widespread. Ensuring the revival and sustainability of intercultural dialogue is essential for both our country and our world.

with this project; representatives of music cultures, performers of local music, musical ensembles, conservatory academics/students, field researchers living in Adana, Mersin, Kayseri and Diyarbakır and working in different languages and different genres, under the supervision of the “Ortak Bellek” (Collective Memory) working group operating under the Anatolian Music Cultures Association will be brought together to serve such purposes. Joint performances, workshops and concerts will be held. The individuals who participate in the activities to be held within the scope of the workshops will help to remember the collective cultural unity in Anatolia through the bridge to be built between the past and the present.

These workshops and efforts are important to stand against the perception of uniform culture and polarisation. It is necessary to ensure the continuity of these studies in order to ensure the sustainability of intercultural dialogue and to show freedom of expression in the field of cultures of music. This continuity will ensure that the multicultural identity of Anatolia is sustainable.

Folk Poets Meet with Young Artists – Gaziantep, 2017

Anatolian Music Cultures Association and affiliates

Anatolian Music Cultures Association was founded in Ankara in 2017 by musicians, academics and field researchers who want to contribute to the rapprochement between the peoples of Anatolia in order to lay the foundation of a common social future aims to bring the common musical heritage of Anatolian peoples, who have lived together for thousands of years, on the basis of cultural rights and minority rights, positioning the collective musical heritage of Anatolian peoples who have lived together for thousands of years to a point that can be "reached" and "remembered" in the name of today's memory. Our association, which has been working on multiculturalism since the day it was founded and functioning as an alternative academy, has come a long way in disseminating these studies. So, it has organized workshops, concerts, concerts, talks and seminars for such purposes. Our association has an Arthouse in Ankara, where it has been operating since 2018.

Ozan Dertli Polat (Kozan/ADANA), the representative of the minstrelsy tradition, Mehmet Alişan Budak (DİYARBAKIR), who carries out musical studies in Diyarbakır and its surroundings, musician Aykut Şahin (KAYSERİ), and Uğur Pişmanlık (Tarsus/MERSİN), the founder and director of Aratos Culture and Art House are the affliates of this project. 

This page is published on 12 January 2023.
Last update: 17 January 2023