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Çanakkale Accessible Culture Ecosystem

December 2021 – September 2022

In coordination of Erişilebilir Her Şey and in partnership with Troya Culture Association, Çanakkale Accessible Culture Ecosystem Project aimed to strengthen ten culture and art institutions in Çanakkale in the context of accessibility and disability. Within the scope of the project, disability perception and awareness, accessibility measures for access to culture and audio description trainings were held to increase culture and art organisations’ knowledge on accessibility and disability. In order to increase the capacity and motivation of institutions to take action, Çanakkale Accessible Culture Platform is formed after the trainings. By this way, sharing of experiences and good examples by the institutions are supported. Each participant institution is expected to make at least one culture and art activity accessible to gain accessibility reflex and practical knowledge after the trainings. Communication activities are carried out to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in these accessible culture and art activities. Throughout the project, Erişilebilir Her Şey social media accounts served as an information resource for accessibility of culture and art and relevant posts were shared. At the end of the project, a culture and art network in Çanakkale, prioritising accessibility and participation of persons with disabilities, was formed.

Accessibility example from Sakıp Sabancı Museum Past, Present Istanbul exhibition (2020) 
Photo: Sabancı Foundation Turkey’s Changemakers program, Emir Uzun

Erişilebilir Her Şey

Erişilebilir Her Şey is a social enterprise providing accessibility consultation to the various kinds of organisations. In this regard, services including physical accessbility auditing, market research based on needs of persons with disabilities, specialised disability perception and awareness trainings, digital accessibility reporting and accessibility coaching are provided. Also, to change people’s perceptives on disability, Turkish Sign Language trainings and communication campaigns are organised. During all of these processes, “nothing about us, without us” principle is adopted and participation of persons with disabilities are ensured. Erişilebilir Her Şey has been working with culture and art institutions since 2019. In this scope, 8 festivals were made accessible comprehensively, pictures were described for the blind in exhibitions and galleries were informed about access to culture and art. Some culture and art institutions that are working with us are Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Arter, British Council, Accessible Film Festival, Two Sides Short Film Festival and Bozcaada Jazz Festival.

This page is published on 10 January 2022.
Last update: 25 April 2022