Cinema Unites
July 2022 - June 2023
The main problem identified by this project is that although the number of non-governmental organisations in Izmir is high, their capacities are extremely limited and their activities are almost invisible and inaudible. The fact that effective visual production, which is one of the fast and efficient ways to solve this problem, is also very insufficient, complicates the situation even more. Unfortunately, the videos produced are quite weak both technically and aesthetically. Another problem is that especially rights-based Civil Society Organisaitions cannot come together to overcome these problems and start a movement together in Izmir. It is obvious that solidarity between CSOs is necessary in overcoming these problems.
This is the atmosphere Izmir Film and Television Producers Association, the facilitator of this project currently lives in. The association has produced projects that consider this solidarity in its work to date, and has experienced firsthand the importance of quality and effective video production for CSOs.
The goal of the Cinema Unites project is to engage five rights-based CSOs in a discussion workshop where rights-based pursuits will be discussed together and to transform these discussions into five short creative films with the unifying force of cinema. Along with the qualifications that the participants will acquire during the production of these films, the screening of them will provide a forum for qualified discussion of art and politics.