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Symposia Dadia

October 2023 - June 2024

The project was designed to bring forward what has been reflected from Knidos to the present day. The ancient city of Knidos (Datça) is a very interesting place with its unique social structure, culture, nature and art. Datça’s social structure has gained diversity thanks to immigrants from many places (Spaniards, Italians, Crimean Tatars, Egyptians, etc.) since the Ancient Greece, which started with the Dorians and ended with the Knidosians. The project will particularly focus on the reflections of the ancient Greek period on these lands. The main topics addressed are Knidos, Knidosian art, archaeology, mythology and art history. The focus theme was ‘women.’

Within such context, a series of meetings consisting of 3 symposiums were held under the name “Symposia Dadia,” which addressed the project matters. The word symposium was especially chosen, as sym means together and posium means drinking. According to the project mentality, drinking means not only drinking wine, but also knowledge, thoughts and emotions. According to the ancient Greek tradition, all thought-based actions such as philosophy, art, culture and politics were carried out with the same mentality. Thus, the words symposia and symposium were preferred.

The other project activity makes reference to the “Knidos Festivals” (or another similar event) in the hearts of the people of Datça. Various studies were carried out within the scope of the project, to sow the seeds for a communication and execution network and, if possible, to actually establish said network. The project thereby aimed to preserve, update and disseminate the values of Knidos, with the desire to create a suitable ground for festivals, events or series of festivities that will be held regularly. It is also expected that the Symposia series established information networks for said ground.

Deniz Kırımsoy Denge

Deniz Kırımsoy Denge has been carrying out civilian works since 1999, focusing on children’s rights, women’s rights and environmental rights. Her educational and professional experience is focused on language, linguistics and teaching Turkish to foreigners. In 2016, she permanently settled in Datça, where her family have been living partially during the 1980s and permanently as of the 2000s. Since then, she has either activated or been a part of various local social, environmental, cultural and artistic activities. She has organized a temporary and a permanent exhibition for her late father, the sculptor Necdet Kırımsoy, also known as the pebble poet. She also assists her husband sculptor Elbruz Denge for various works. In addition, she continues writing in the field of linguistics. She also has an amateur interest in the transformation matters, which she cares about, and is involved in garbage art.
The Symposia Dadia Project is a multi-layered project which requires multiple executors. The name Kırımsoy Denge appears as the sole applicant for the sake of technical requirements, and other significant names of the executive team will be added in the future by way of updating.

This page is published on 8 December 2023.