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the European Union

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The Memory of the Windy City

October 2023 - June 2024

The Memory of the Windy City is a study that was first supported in 2019 by the Adnan Ergeç Fund of the Karakutu Association. It focuses on the stories of people and places about Çanakkale's urban memory, that are neither legendary nor epic. Within such context, research on the social history of the city, which are outside the narrative of the mainstream history, were shared with the target audience in the form of social media content.

Focusing on space-human relations from a historical perspective, the study has, over time, begun also recording day-to-day life practices. With support from Fugamundi, spontaneous audio recordings of people living, producing and working in the city, including conversations about how they shape the city in their memories, have been turned into a podcast series.

Progressing by learning and updating itself over time, this voluntary study observes new needs and requirements for urban memory. Currently, the primary goal of the Memory of the Windy City Project is to strengthen the place of cultural, social and ecological diversity and intersections of the City of Çanakkale in collective memory. It aims to go beyond a uniform cliché narrative and emphasize how the city lives with all its diversity, and how intersections of people, communities and nature are patterned and needed. As such, it plans to digitalize the intangible and tangible heritage of the city, its daily life practices and their reflections on the city together with all urban aspects, with active participation of the citizens and using documentary methods to create a rich interactive resource/archive.

Özge Doruk

Özge Doruk completed her undergraduate education in the field of Sociology at Istanbul University in 2016, and her graduate education in the area of Civil Society at Marmara University in 2018. She came to Çanakkale in 2018 for her graduate thesis and formed an unbreakable bond with the city ever after. Such bond led her to carry out in depth research on the cultural memory of the city, to establish dialogues and to take records. He tries to interpret concepts such as confrontation, social memory, etc., which he got to know thanks to Karakutu Association, through this city.
Carrying out studies particularly in the field of ecological rights and wearing many different jackets including civil society professional, volunteer and activist, Doruk experiences different ways and methods to reach people regarding matters he is concerned about. Podcast and documentary production is one such way.


Memory of the Windy City - Spotify
Memory of the Windy City - Instagram
Memory of the Windy City - App Store

This page is published on 8 December 2023.